The base cheesecake underneath all this luscious topping is from a Mamatouille recipe here, which is a vegan and dairy-free, gluten-free amazing cheesecake.
After you've made your cheesecake and chilled it, here's the apple-rhubarb topping that you make and then chill before spreading over the cheesecake.
For the apple-rhubarb topping, you'll need:
- 3 or 4 apples, peeled and chopped
- a few sticks of rhubarb, chopped
- sugar to taste
- cinnamon
- ginger powder
Do this:
Simmer the apples and rhubarb with a little bit of water, then add sugar, cinnamon, and ginger powder to taste. Cook till thick, then chill in a jar in the fridge.
For the crumble topping, you'll need:
- rice flour
- almond flour
- chopped walnuts
- brown sugar
- cinnamon
- ginger powder
- dairy-free margarine
Do this:
Stir the rice flour, almond flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, and ginger powder together. With your hands, work in the margarine till it's a nice consistency, then stir in the chopped walnuts.
Bake at 170 C/350 F till browned, about 10-12 minutes. Cool.
For the whipped cream topping, you'll need:
- heavy soy cream
- powdered sugar
- vanilla
Do this:
Beat till fluffy.
Assemble it all:
1. Your baked cheesecake
2. Spread on the apple-rhubarb topping, leaving some space on the edges
3. Sprinkle with the crumble topping
4. Pipe the whipped cream around the edges
And then enjoy that sucker! It's extremely filling and magically delicious.
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